A Peek into Luxury: Exploring the Exceptional Property in Alibag


This post delves into an insightful tour of a lavish property in Alibag, owned by the diamond merchant, P Anand. The main talking points include insights into Anand's journey, his interest in architecture, a tour of the property, and the thoughtful design aspects. Lastly, Anand shares his investment ideologies about real estate and jewelry.

Visiting the Glass House

The luxurious property called 'Glass House 91' is dominated by glass detailing, giving it a transparent, airy atmosphere. Anand, despite his extensive architectural education, chose to pursue a career in jewelry, treating architecture as another passion. He visits the property once a month.

Most of the property's artistic elements were made by local artists. Noteworthy among them is an abstract cubism-inspired art by a student artist named NAD and a mirror maze sculpture in chrome-white, creating a beautiful center of attraction.

The Property Layout

The major attraction of the property is a ‘knife-edge’ pool, where the water level is just in sync with the floor level. The house also boasts a 270° glass tunnel leading to a private master suite that offers panoramic views of the property. The entire plot measures half an acre with the home covering around 4,500-5,000 sq ft.

Moreover, the house also features a 'Red Crystal Corridor' with a ceiling inspired by rubies, and multiple art pieces integrated into the design.

The property's commercial value should not be undermined as we learned it was initially rented out for a substantial amount per day.

Property Construction and Future Venture

Anand articulated his entire journey while talking about the conception of this magnificent property. Inspired by the lavish villas he observed in Bali, he sought to recreate the same 'resort living' aesthetic. Consequently, the value of the surrounding properties quadrupled.

Following the immense success of 'Glass House 91,' Anand expressed his excitement about venturing into similar large-scale projects.

Tips for Real Estate Investment

Diving into commercial insight, Anand advised aiming for long-term investments in real estate of at least five to 10 years. He also emphasized the need to identify future potential locations and noticing when major developers enter a specific location.

P Anand's Personal Journey

Anand's passion for diamonds and skyscrapers started at a young age, culminating in his decision to study architecture. Eventually, his love for jewels took precedence. Starting his diamond business at 23, with a small investment, he managed to break into the eight-figure bracket in just 6–8 months.


The tour concludes with Anand’s view on wealth, emphasizing achieving financial freedom and the empowerment it brings. He believes in fearless determination combined with a strategic approach to achieve success. Investment in real estate and mutual funds account for a majority of his portfolio. His advice to young entrepreneurs is to invest time in building a personal brand and leveraging the power of content creation to achieve success.