Deconstructing Spending Habits: A Social Experiment at The One Percent Club

Deconstructing Spending Habits: A Social Experiment at The One Percent Club

The One Percent Club recently conducted an enlightening social experiment. The influencer behind the club invited five employees to rank themselves based on their spending habits after answering a set of probing questions. The results were not only revealing but also led to some interesting conversations about the priorities and choices of this dynamic group.

Profiles and Weekend Habits

The participants were diverse.

  • Vanshika, a Sales Consultant
  • Prashant, the Business Head
  • Joy Elson, who leads product and community
  • Anurag, the Sales Department Head

Their weekend activities ranged from going to the gym, partying at premium clubs, or simply catching up on sleep. The influencer also noted the type of gym memberships they held, with premium memberships directly relating to their monetary expenditure.

Technology Preferences

The following segment had the participants revealing their tech preferences. Between the iPhone 13, One Plus Nord and Apple Ecosystem, it was clear that high-end technology was a preference for most of them. These choices indicated a willingness to shell out significant amounts for their tech gear.

Transportation and Eating Habits

The group's transportation and eating habits further exposed their spending patterns. Some preferred walking due to proximity to the office, others resorted to local trains for cost-effectiveness, and a few leaned towards Uber for comfort and ease.

Surprisingly, home-cooked meals was the popular choice, mostly due to the availability of work-provided meals and 'mother's food'. However, the frequency of ordering in, especially Italian cuisine, brought an additional dimension to their spending outline.

Housing and Expense Percentages

As for their housing situation, some employees live in expensive neighborhoods, such as South Bombay and Andheri, while others reside in the more affordable parts of town. Interestingly, Anurag even owns two houses, an asset that definitely puts him at the higher end of the expense spectrum.

When asked about the percentage of their income they were willing to spend in one shot, the answers revealed varied financial mentalities - ranging from splurge tendencies with up to 100% ready to be spent to more cautious approaches with a comfortable 10-20%.


The influencer rearranged the participants based on their spending habits, suggesting that owning multiple real estate properties can tip the scales. In the final countdown, Anurag took home the title of the top spender, thereby concluding an intriguing analysis of how different personal choices and lifestyle priorities affect our spending habits.