Experiences with Racism: An Immigrant's Perspective

Experiences with Racism: An Immigrant's Perspective

Watching a recent video by comedian Hass Minaj triggered reflections on personal experiences of racism as an immigrant in the US and Canada. Although these experiences have been more prevalent in the US, they also occurred in Canada. Here, let's discuss these experiences, their impact, and what they've taught us.

On Discrimination in the Workplace

Immigrating to the US in 2016 and landing a job in one of the leading consulting companies came with its fair share of challenges. Despite her qualifications and role as a senior associate, the influencer faced unsettling remarks from junior colleagues and even a partner in the firm.

Among the notable incidents of discrimination include:

  • A Caucasian colleague displayed jubilation at the election of a controversial president, who was known for his anti-immigration stance, voicing her hope that immigrants would either be forced to leave the country or relegated to blue-collar jobs.

  • Another incident involved a firm partner making racially insensitive comments questioning the influencer's reasons for relocating to the US and stereotyping immigrants as seeking citizenship through having multiple kids in the US.

Encountering Diversity and Inclusion

Upon leaving that firm, the influencer recognized the need for diversity and inclusion. She thus joined a team led by an African-American and comprising other ethnicities, thereby mitigating further workplace racism.

Racial Profiling Outside the Workplace

Beyond the workplace, racial profiling manifested during a vacation in Quebec City, Canada. Checking into an Airbnb, the influencer sent photos of a broken bed to the owner. To their dismay, the owner discounted the possibility of previous guests breaking the bed and then used stereotypes about the influencer's nationality by accusing her and her counterparts of breaking the bed.

Insights From Personal Experiences

Racism experiences left an indelible mark on the influencer's 7-year journey as an immigrant. However, the inclusive environment and opportunities in Canada have proved worthwhile, despite a few unpleasant encounters.

Racial discrimination is real and affects immigrants differently. According to Statcan 2019 data, about 22% of South Asians felt discriminated against. This data also highlighted that black and Asian Canadians face more discrimination.

In conclusion, while experiences differ, and the benefits of living in certain regions outweigh the negatives for some, it's important to be aware of these realities if planning to migrate.

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