Exploring K-Pop: In Conversation with Eric Nam

The K-Pop wave is capturing the world with its electrifying music, stunning visuals, and passionate fanbase. In this blog post, we delve into the vivid world of K-Pop through the eyes of one its accomplished practitioners, Eric Nam. A South Korean singer, dancer, and actor, Eric gives us a glimpse into his life and the intriguing aspects of K-Pop culture.

From Cultural Struggles to Stardom

Eric was born in Atlanta, Georgia, and his experiences growing up as a Korean-American have shaped his music and life outlook. He recalls dealing with racist behavior in school and feeling an inherent struggle to find his identity. This quest for acceptance and the courage to follow his dreams led him to pursue music.

Here are a few key points from Eric's life journey:

  • Eric initially followed the path expected by his Asian parents—good grades, college, and obtaining a stable job at a consulting firm.
  • Despite landing a job at Deloitte Consulting, Eric had an inexorable pull towards music which led him to shift to Korea and participate in the talent competition 'Superstar K3'.
  • Eric’s multifaceted profile includes hosting shows, interviewing Hollywood celebrities, and even creating a podcast.

K-Pop's Global Explosion: An Insider’s Perspective

K-Pop's recent global explosion is attributed to several decades of effort, and diligent investment in 'soft culture'- encompassing entertainment, and elements that people enjoy consuming. Eric believes the pandemic also played a part in significantly boosting the K-Pop wave. With more people confined at home, K-dramas, Korean music videos, and associated Korean culture became an attractive avenue of entertainment worldwide.

The K-Pop culture extends beyond music. Fans relish the process of immersing themselves in the fan clubs, meeting fellow enthusiasts, collecting merchandise, learning chants, and being part of a community that resonates with their favorite music and artists.

Korean-American vs Korean: The Culture Shift

Eric's unique position as a Korean-American living in Korea has given him insights into the cultural differences between the two regions. In his opinion, America tends to be individual-driven, focusing on personal success and accomplishments. In contrast, Korea is more communal, emphasizing relationships and respect towards elders and those in senior positions.

The Dark Side of K-Pop?

Eric also addresses some of the controversies associated with K-Pop, particularly the rumors of exploitative contracts and harsh training conditions for young idols. He does not deny the intensive training regimes but argues that these are not imposed forcefully but rather embraced willingly by individuals aspiring to be performers.

Making a living in K-Pop

Breaking down his income, Eric shares that 60% of his earnings come from touring, 20% from merchandise sales, 10% from appearances at events, and another 5-10% from brand partnerships. The major expenses incurred include flights (for tours), stage outfits, and the production cost of albums.


Three key takeaways from this conversation with Eric Nam:

  1. K-Pop's global popularity is the result of decades of effort and investment in 'soft culture'.
  2. Pursuing a K-Pop career involves significant training and commitment, but mostly voluntarily embarked upon by those aiming to become performers.
  3. Balancing popularity with personal authenticity can be a challenge in the K-pop industry.

Final Remarks

Chatting with Eric offered a fascinating glimpse into the world of K-Pop. It was intriguing to see how cultural elements, personal struggles, and industry intricacies blend together in creating music that resonates globally. The conversation illuminated how K-pop is more than just catchy tunes- it's a lifestyle, a community, and a culture that's taking the world by storm.