From High-Flying Careers Abroad to Chasing Entrepreneurship Dreams in India: Swasti and Kaustubh’s Journey

From High-Flying Careers Abroad to Chasing Entrepreneurship Dreams in India: Swasti and Kaustubh’s Journey

Despite their successful and high-paying careers in London, Swasti and Kaustubh made the decision to return to their roots in India and take on the challenging world of entrepreneurship. Here's their inspiring story.


Raised in middle-class, education-oriented families, both Swasti and Kaustubh aspired to carve out successful career paths for themselves. Swasti pursued a career in investment banking, becoming a Director at Deutsche Bank, earning anywhere between 4 to 5 crores with bonuses annually depending on the year, all while living in London. Kaustubh, on the other hand, became a consultant, setting up her own consulting firm in London.

The Turning Point

In 2018, the couple made the life-changing decision to give up their cushy lives in London and move back to India for the sake of their two-year-old daughter and elderly parents. They also deeply desired to give back to their homeland and zealously embraced entrepreneurship as their way to make an impact.

The Entrepreneurial Leap

Swasti gave birth to 'Vesta', an ambitious cross-border financial services firm offering services such as cross-border payments for Indian businesses, overseas banking for individuals, and overseas investing opportunities. Hard as it was, Swasti chose to invest fully into the budding business to the point of forgoing a salary for almost a year.

Parallel to this, Kaustubh started working on 'SafeCU', an innovative platform providing end-consumers access to high-quality, fresh exotic fruits, and vegetables brought directly from farmers. Each in their unique professional ventures, the couple paints a picture of shared entrepreneurship while maintaining their individuality.

Struggles and Successes

Juggling both family and business was not easy, especially with the onset of the global pandemic shortly after their return to India. The couple admits to questioning their decision to return at difficult times, but they persevered. Despite the challenges, they created a new life and thriving ventures in the land they called home.

Defining Financial Independence

Swasti and Kaustubh believe that financial independence is not just the ability to live comfortably without working but also the freedom to pursue what one genuinely desires without being constrained by monetary needs. They attest that the power to forgo a regular salary for the sake of investing in a long-term vision is a marker of one’s financial independence.

Swasti and Kaustubh's story is a testament to what happens when you dare to redefine success and lead life on your terms - a story of resilience, determination, and love for one’s roots.

3 Key Takeaways:

  1. Financial independence is not just about living without work, but having the freedom to do what you truly love.
  2. With the right vision, priorities, and determination, it's never too late to shift gears and embrace entrepreneurship.
  3. Despite how difficult the journey may be, you'll never know what you can achieve unless you brave the unknown.