Investing in Health: The Most Crucial and Overlooked Aspect of Your Life

Key Takeaways

Here are three key points to remember from this blog post:

  1. Health, arguably the most important asset we have, often receives the least attention when it comes to investing.
  2. Regular health checkups, healthy diet, exercise, and mental health care are all essential investments towards a healthy future.
  3. Saving money on health checkups now could lead to larger medical expenditures in the future due to undetected or neglected health issues.


Often when we hear the word 'investment,' we think of mutual funds, stocks, or real estate. But what if one's most important investment lies in personal health? Indeed, when asked about his worst investment, a prosperous Indian investor, with a net worth of 5.8 billion dollars, stated, 'My worst investment has been my health.' His sentiment is echoed by the World Health Organization's statistics, revealing high mortality rates due to chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Similarly, India is grappling with a significant increase in lifestyle diseases, such as obesity and diabetes.

Health Insurance: A Safety Net or a False Sense of Security?

Health insurance can provide some relief from huge medical bills, but gaps in the policy can leave one with a staggering sum to pay out-of-pocket. Often, routine health checks and minor ailments are not covered by health insurance, and a serious illness could quickly deplete the coverage limit. Additionally, relying solely on health insurance benefits provided by employers could pose a problem upon retirement when the coverage ceases.

Investing in Health Checkups: An Ounce of Prevention

Annual health checkups may feel like an unnecessary expense for some. However, these routine checks can detect potential health issues early, leading to easier and cheaper treatment. Furthermore, practicing healthy habits like physical activity can lead to health insurance incentives such as premium discounts.

Physical Fitness: A Key Ingredient for Longevity and Prosperity

Regular physical activity can lower the risk of several chronic illnesses, increase productivity, reduce stress, and lead to higher earnings. And it may not require a hefty gym membership either – interventions as simple as performing 40 push-ups a day or engaging in 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week can significantly boost health.

Food Habits and Diet

A healthy diet is vital in preventing lifestyle diseases. Here's where a dietitian comes into play. They can offer personalized meal plans and keep a check on your health. Being responsible for the plans and having paid for it can motivate you to follow a healthier lifestyle.

Mental Health: A Pillar as Important as Physical Health

Mental health, often overlooked, contributes significantly to overall health. Poor mental health can even exacerbate physical health problems. Regular sessions with a therapist, although seeming like a luxury, can provide numerous benefits for mental wellbeing.

Substance Use: A Double Whammy for Health and Finances

Substances like alcohol and tobacco not only lead to complex health problems but also spike insurance premiums. Introducing healthier habits may help lower premiums and improve overall health.


In conclusion, investments should not be limited to money-making channels but should be systematically made towards personal health, which is a crucial aspect of life. This health-oriented investment can provide a greater sense of well-being, productivity, and longevity.