Is Your Nation's Economy Heading Towards A Crisis? 11 Key Indicators to Watch

No one wishes to wake up one fine morning and find their hard-earned wealth significantly reduced due to their country's economic crisis. It's crucial to stay informed about your nation's economic health and take proactive measures to safeguard your assets. This post discusses indicators and strategies to help you identify if your nation's economy is poised for failure.

Key Takeaways

  1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the state of your country's economy with 11 key indicators.
  2. Do not place all your financial eggs in one country's basket - diversify internationally.
  3. Understand the appropriate action plans if your country's economic situation worsens.

A Failing Economy: Top 11 Indicators

Economics isn't just about numbers - it's also steeped in the socio-political climate of a country. Here are eleven key signs that can help you decipher if your nation's economy is on a downward slope:

  • Nasty Political Discourse: When politicians stop listening to each other and resort to incessant bickering, it's a potential sign of a failing economy.

  • Media Monopoly: If the media becomes a state-controlled agency and reflects only one side of the narrative, it inhibits constructive discourse and hampers the nation's economic progression.

  • Wealth Creators Leave the Country: When successful entrepreneurs and wealth creators start migrating to other countries, it can signal economic downturn and decreased innovation within the origin nation.

  • Education Decline: If there's a decline in the standard and neutrality of education, it restricts the development of rationality, impeding economic improvement in the process.

  • Data Manipulation: Specious use of economic data points or outright lies by those in power can misconstrue the real state of the economy.

  • Poor Real Wealth Growth: Avoid being swayed by inflated growth figures. Focus on whether the country is experiencing real wealth growth through high-value exports, foreign investment, and other sustainable sources.

  • Weakening Currency: A falling currency isn't always a bad sign if it boosts exports. However, if the currency weakens without corresponding export growth, it suggests economic instability.

  • Rise of Crony Capitalism: When a select few amass wealth with political backing, often at the expense of public wealth, it's harmful for the overall economy in the long run.

  • Stifling of Innovation: An economy leans towards failure when there's a clampdown on innovative industries and new ideas face suppressive regulations.

  • Public Leaders Turned Demigods: Excessive idolization of public leaders to the point of treating them as infallible gods often accompanies an economic downturn.

What If You're Living in a Failing Economy?

If your nation's economy is on a slippery slope, here's a seven-point action plan to protect your assets and future:

  • Buy Inflation Hedges: Convert cash into assets like land, gold, or other such hedging instruments. They're less affected by currency fluctuations and tend to retain value.

  • Own Income-generating Assets Outside Your Country: Whether it's owning stocks in foreign companies or purchasing property in a different country, look for ways to earn income from global sources.

  • Have a Low-cost Country as an Option: Given the potential for high living costs in a failing economy, consider a lower-cost country as an alternate base.

  • Secure Your Assets: Be aware of potential changes in tax laws or regulations which might affect your most substantial assets.

  • Skill Transfer: Improve your skills and widen your work prospects not only in your home country but also internationally.

  • Wealth Transfer: Diversify your wealth across countries to shield against economic downturn in any one nation.

  • Consider Tax Residency Transfer: If your country's taxation system becomes regressive, having the option to change tax residency can be beneficial.


Ignorance isn't bliss when it comes to a failing economy. It's crucial to stay alert, diversify your assets, and mitigate the risks posed by a potential economic downturn in your nation. As always, knowledge is power - and in this case, it might also be the key to preserving wealth.