Negotiating the Labyrinth of Term Insurance: Top Secrets Revealed


Today, we take a deep dive to illuminate those corners of term insurance seldom touched upon. Keep an eye out for significant yet straightforward insights, and engage with them. It could vastly enhance your understanding of term insurance.

Importance of Maturity Age in Term Insurance

Let's kick things off with the concept of the 'maturity age' of your policy. This essentially outlines the period your term insurance covers. For example, Mr. Chandu, at 30 years old, decides to play it safe and cover himself till the ripe age of 90 – a good solid 60 years of life coverage. However, let's consider his situation: now aged 85, his son, the nominee, is nearing retirement – he's 55.

The question becomes, why do we get term Insurance in the first place? Primarily, it's an income replacement strategy, helping loved ones avoid financial hardship if the breadwinner were to pass on unexpectedly. In this scenario, no financial hardship would befall a son nearing retirement even if Chandu passes away at 85.

This leads to the conclusion that it's prudent to secure term insurance for a period where you're the primary bread earner, which could be until you turn 60. So, one doesn't need 60 years of term insurance, 30 years should suffice. However, if you are interested in a longer maturity age, judiciously weigh the cost implications of higher premiums.

Determining the Sum Assured Amount

Navigating how much one requires for a sum assured or an insurance cover can be tricky. A standard thumb rule advises about 10x of your income, but this varies. Let's look at two distinct scenarios:

  1. Mr. Chandu is flush with wealth, his balance sheet boasts of crores, and he carries no debt. An insurance agent suggests a cover of 20x his income. However, with significant net worth and no income-dependent individuals in his household, a large insurance cover seems superfluous.

  2. On the flip side, meet Mr. Bhandu who's just made his first purchase, a brand new two-wheeler, on loan. He's juggling EMIs, his son's school fees, and household expenses. An insurance agent proposes 20x insurance cover, and without a doubt, Mr. Bhandu should go for it.

The key discriminator here is the net worth. Those with high net worth and no income-dependent individuals may steer towards smaller insurance covers, while the opposite holds for those carrying the torch of the breadwinner.

Zero Cost Term Policy: A Game of Smoke and Mirrors

A 'zero cost term plan' promises the moon – complete refund of all premiums paid if you surrender your policy at a specific age. When the time to surrender came, for our hypothetical 60-year-old Mr. Chandu, the reality was quite bitter:

  1. GST, around 18% paid on every instalment of premium, once paid, is gone forever.

  2. The premiums paid do not factor in inflation; hence what was worth ten thousand when paid initially returns as merely ten thousand when surrendered. Essentially, he receives his same premium payment not adjusted for inflation over time.

A better bet would be to strategically plan and take cover till the age you intend to surrender, rather than opting for longer tenure and surrendering midway.

Riders: An Essential Addition

Term insurance policy 'riders' while not mandatory, fill in those critical gaps. Two such important riders are:

  1. Critical Illness Rider: Imagining an unfortunate scenario where a policyholder is diagnosed with a critical illness, such as cancer, this rider ensures that the sum insured is immediately disbursed, acting as financial support to pay off immediate medical and subsequent hospital bills.

  2. Accidental Disability Rider: If the policyholder suffers a severe disability due to an accident rendering them incapable of working, this rider can supplement the lost income, aiding the family to cope with financial challenges.


Today's discussion highlighted often overlooked aspects of term insurance, from maturity age to sum assured, zero-cost term plans, and invaluable riders. Leave no stone unturned when deciding on the perfect term insurance by consulting a professional to help tailor a plan to your specific needs.

Remember, as always, the devil is in the details.