New Brunswick, Canada: Open Doors for International Job Seekers

Key Takeaways

  1. New Brunswick, one of Canada's maritime provinces, is actively seeking foreign workers to bolster its small population.
  2. Several immigration pathways, ranging from skilled worker streams to entrepreneur proposals, mean there are myriad opportunities for foreigners seeking to immigrate.
  3. Online and in-person recruitment fairs are fantastic opportunities for potential employees to network and gain in-depth insights.


The world is becoming more globalized, and for anyone looking to make a career move abroad, Canada is often high up on the wishlist. Today, we are honing in on one specific province - New Brunswick. This picturesque maritime province on the east side of Canada is the largest of its kind and steeped in history. Yet, it has a small population, a challenge that the provincial government is seeking to address by hosting regular recruitment fairs to meet potential candidates whether they are in Canada or abroad.

Reasons to Consider New Brunswick

Here's an interesting tidbit: New Brunswick is the only official bilingual province in Canada, with both English and French recognized as official languages. Beyond that, this province is the birthplace of Canada, as one of the earliest provinces to be discovered. But, historical significance aside, New Brunswick has a tremendous emphasis on Dignity of Labor and is making comprehensive efforts to welcome international workers to cater to varying employment sectors. Sure, it may not offer the bustling city vibe like Toronto or Vancouver, but it offers a lower cost of living with fair salaries due to lower taxes.

It is worth noting though that life in this province does come with a colder climate, yet if historical charm, lower employment competition, and a slower pace of life appeal, New Brunswick might just be the place for you.

A Look at Immigration Pathways

New Brunswick offers a wide spectrum of immigration pathways. These include:

  • New Brunswick Skilled Worker Stream: Aimed specifically at foreigners, there's no need for any Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIAs). Essentially, all an applicant needs is a job offer from an employer.

  • New Brunswick Express Entry: A popular option, although it was paused in May 2022. Information on when or if it will restart can be found on official government websites.

  • Truck Driver Pathway: Truck driving is a high-paying job in New Brunswick, with most truck drivers starting with six-figure salaries. However, it's a physically demanding job, and you need to comprehend what's on the table before you embark on this pathway.

  • Business Immigration: This pathway encourages freelancers, entrepreneurs, and people with innovative ideas to set up shop in the province. Unlike other programs or countries, New Brunswick does not require a minimum of substantial funds for business immigration.

  • French Speakers Pathway: Given that New Brunswick is bilingual, French speakers are highly sought after.

  • Atlantic Immigration Program: This unique and broader program applies to four provinces, including New Brunswick. The program initially started as a pilot and has now become a full program, allowing graduates and job seekers to find employment in one of the more than 700 designated employers in the area.

  • Private Sector College Graduate Pathway: This is a new pathway applicable for one- or two-year programs where international students can earn permanent status in New Brunswick.

The Recruitment Fair and What It Means for You

New Brunswick's government organizes regular recruitment fairs in search of international talent. These fairs are held both online and offline (COVID-19 permitting), with employers seeking potential international employees. The application process is relatively smooth and straightforward, requiring an employment letter and relevant qualifications while eliminating the need for LMIA or IELTS.

Do remember: uploading an well-written resume and maintaining an updated LinkedIn profile will improve your prospects significantly. You never know, these recruitment fairs could be the launching pad for your career in Canada.


New Brunswick might not be the first place that springs to mind when considering immigrating to Canada, but this overview suggests that maybe it should. With numerous immigration pathways, efforts from the provincial government to recruit foreign workers and the province's unique charm, it might be time to add New Brunswick to your list of potential places to live and work abroad.