Revamping Entrepreneurial Education: The Mesa School of Business Advantage

Redefining the Future of Business Education with Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Most existing higher education programs in India are focused on producing graduates suitable for established companies or management consulting positions, not entrepreneurial roles needed in fast-growing startups. Many schools don't have strong relationships with startups and design their curriculum for conventional corporate environments, leaving a gap for those targeting success in the burgeoning startup space. However, a new approach is emerging, reinventing the mould to create graduates prepared for the dynamic startup environment. This is where the Mesa School of Business steps in.

Key Features of the Mesa School of Business:

  1. Center Stage for Startups: The Mesa School of Business was established by the startup ecosystem, for the startup ecosystem. With their campus in the heart of Bangalore─India’s startup epicenter─the school aims to get students into the thick of the entrepreneurial action from day one.

  2. Hands-On Learning: Instead of traditional classroom lecturing, Mesa focuses on hands-on learning where students are taught industry-targeted skills and build their own businesses. Instead of just absorbing theory, they have to venture out, experiment, and assertively apply what they've learned in the real world.

  3. Access to a Broad Business Network: The school boasts a robust network, including its investment partner Elevation Capital, which has a vast portfolio of more than 200 startups. This network, combined with the strong connections of the Mesa founders to the industry, gives students direct access to startup leaders and founders, ensuring opportunities for networking and mentorship.

  4. Mentorship from Industry Experts: Students are assigned mentors based on their target industry and role to guide them throughout the program. Instruction isn't limited to academics. Industry practitioners frequently visit the campus for workshops, presenting students with the opportunity to interact with industry experts and receive invaluable advice.

  5. 360-degree Exposure: Apart from learning business skills, students are also exposed to a myriad of experiences designed to build a holistic entrepreneurial mindset. This includes sessions with army veterans on leadership, comedians on improv, and sportspeople on cultivating a winning mentality.

Transforming Indian Higher Education

Despite having thousands of universities, quality education within India is largely limited to a select few institutions. The post-graduation landscape is similar, with only a handful of quality programs available, the most coveted among them being MBA degrees. With an increasing number of students unable to land their desired roles after their graduation, more of them are turning to MBA programs. But with limited seats in the quality institutions and a vast part of the sector falling into redundancy due to outdated curriculum structures, an education vacuum has formed.

Founded by teachers and startup mentors with rich and varied experiences, the Mesa School of Business aims to fill this vacuum by providing a unique blend of learning experiences. With Mesa, students are not just trained for the jobs of today but also equipped with the skills needed to shape the jobs of tomorrow.

Reshaping Education and Employment Opportunities for Indian Students

For most students, opting for higher education is an effort to land a high-paying job. However, most undergraduates in India are not employable according to industry standards. On the flip side, even though plenty of candidates are available for jobs, employers are struggling to hire great talent.

The Mesa School of Business solves this two-sided problem by bridging the gap between the skills employers need and what the current education system is providing. They are facilitating students to stand out by infusing them with entrepreneurial skills, thus making them more attractive to hiring startups and enabling them to take on leadership roles.

An outcome-oriented, hands-on program can do wonders in shaping the future of Indian students and the overall startup ecosystem. With initiatives like Mesa, a revolution in Indian education is just on the horizon.