A collection of 34 posts

Unlocking the Success Mysteries of the Second Largest Travel Platform in India: A Discussion with Prashant Pitti, Co-founder of EaseMyTrip

Key Takeaways: * Patience, perseverance, and a unique approach can help entrepreneurs outperform competitors, even in a fiercely competitive market. * Innovations often emerge from situations of constraint where individuals are forced to think out of the box. * Ensuring customer satisfaction through efficient service and beneficial pricing is paramount for business success
2 min read

Unraveling the Complexity of Divorce: Expert Insights from a Divorce Lawyer

Key Takeaways * Anticipate and prepare for a divorce by establishing a 'divorce fund', securing emotional support and conducting personal research. * Divorce laws might appear skewed towards women, but execution over a lengthy period makes it challenging. * Marriages could benefit from small, frequent gestures of affection instead of grand, infrequent declarations
2 min read