The 5 Positive Changes Predicted to Impact the Indian Stock Market

Key Takeaways

  1. The inclusion of Indian bonds in the JP Morgan GBI EM index, a major bond index, will likely result in a $25-$40 billion inflow of foreign wealth into India's bond market.
  2. The market could also benefit from moderated crude oil prices, creating better operating profits and margins for manufacturing-oriented firms.
  3. Despite such positive indicators, clarity in regulatory policies on various fronts (including GST and cryptocurrency) is still required to encourage meaningful domestic and international investment in India.

The Inclusion of Indian Bonds in GBI EM Index

The Indian bond market is set to see a significant inflow of foreign wealth due to its inclusion in JP Morgan's GBI EM Index. This is a game changer for the Indian economy as it marks a significant shift towards a more mature capital market. This inclusion means:

  1. Lower borrowing costs for companies in India, particularly NBFCs and banks. This results in higher operational profitability, making companies more attractive to investors.
  2. The Indian rupee could stand to appreciate or at least not weaken, thanks to the increased inflow of foreign wealth. However, this is a complex issue and will be addressed in more detail later.
  3. There will be a reduction in borrowing costs for the government. This means more funds can be redirected towards infrastructure-building or restructuring of previous debts.
  4. An influx of new investors who begin with bonds but may eventually migrate to equities.
  5. A decrease in the current account deficit (CAD) due to an increase in foreign institutional investor (FII) money.

The Shift in Crude Oil Prices

The recent moderation in crude oil prices is another positive shift for the Indian economy. Reduced input costs lead to improved operating profit margins for manufacturing companies, particularly those focused on supplying the domestic market. Conversely, export-oriented companies might face roadblocks due to global tensions.

U.S. Interest Rates and Their Effect on the Indian Economy

The U.S. Federal Reserve's decision to cut interest rates, albeit slowly, is another boon for the Indian economy. As U.S. interest rates grow closer to those in India, FIIs could potentially look towards India as an attractive and stable investment option.

Policy Clarity and Continuity: The Delta Corp Case

Unfortunately, policy continuity and clarity aren't working in India’s favor. Take the recent case of Delta Corp, which was slapped with a massive GST fine that significantly exceeds the company's market cap. There's a clear need for comprehensive policy development that provides clarity on matters like GST and digital currencies to attract long-term investment and promote economic growth.

This blog post, while optimistic, urges investors to remain aware and cautious in these unpredictable times. Before making any significant financial decisions, consider consulting with a financial advisor to navigate the ins and outs of the market.