The Impact of Election Results on the Stock Market

Key Takeaways

  1. Regardless of the scenario in stock market, having some cash in hand is advisable. For traders, having 30 to 40% cash in hand and for investors having 10 to 20% can be essential.
  2. There are certain election-proof sectors that one can consider like Healthcare, Private Sector Banks, Telecom, Consumer-Driven Industries and Technology & Innovation.
  3. Booking some profit before big events like the elections is a smart move.

The Impact of Political Landscape on Stock Market Performance

As the day of the results of the elections approached, many were riddled with apprehension and uncertainty. Given the fluidity of markets that is quite often subject to political sentiments and announcements, it was not unreasonable to ponder how elections would impact the stock market. This blog will dissect points made during an interview with market expert, Mr. Sandeep Jen, on potential election scenarios and their possible impact on the market.

Scenario Analysis

Unravelling predictions of the stock market is best approached with a scenario analysis.

  1. BJP Coming to Majority Prematurely: If BJP secures a 400+ majority, it is predicted that the market may react positively.
  2. Lesser Majority: If BJP obtains a voting range between 350 and 370, the market's reaction could potentially be starkly different.
  3. Just Crossing Majority: Another complex scenario could arise if BJP barely crosses the majority line, with the reactions likely to be more varied in this case.

Note: This analysis doesn't consider the possibility of BJP losing, as predictions suggest it's a less likely outcome.

Election-Proof Sectors

Whether an investor or trader, timing plays an undeniable role in profit-making. That said, in the case of looming events such as elections, investing in 'election-proof' sectors can act as a safety net. These sectors include sectors like Healthcare, Private Sector Banks, Telecom, and Technology & Innovation. These are segments that are not directly impacted by the result of elections, making them comparatively safe investments.

Strategy Approach

Regardless of the results of the election, the market is expected to go through some profit booking, which may lead to overall market correction. Preparing for such possible outcomes, Mr. Jen advises that one should book some profits and have a good amount of cash on hand. Specifying further, he suggests traders have 30-40% cash, whereas investors should have around 10-20%.

Going Forward

The election day may hold significant importance, but it's not the end of the road. Regardless of the results, several significant opportunities will present themselves as the market begins to adjust post-election. As the dust settles, investors and traders can leverage the shifts in the market, reshape their portfolios accordingly, and move forward with informed decisions.