The Transformational Journey of Influencer Sharan: From Speechless Kid to YouTube Sensation

The Transformational Journey of Influencer Sharan: From Speechless Kid to YouTube Sensation

Start of the Journey

Sharan's journey began unusually, as he remained silent till the age of four. However, once the dam broke, there was no stopping him. On his fourth birthday, he began speaking, sparking a change that moulded him into a talking enthusiast and a nerd at school. He became a straight-A student from fourth standard onwards, nailing especially the science subjects.

Reality Check and College Struggle

In 11th and 12th standards, Sharan faced a tough reality check when he couldn't get into his desired top colleges despite repeated efforts. Even though he had scored a high percentile on his tests, it wasn't enough for the top institutions.

Enter Finance with Sharan and GMAT

Undeterred, Sharan took the GMAT and achieved a score of 730 after multiple attempts. Concurrently, he plunged into a new venture - Finance with Sharan.

Office Reveal and Team Introduction

Fast forward to present day; Sharan has his own splendid office equipped with a stimulating working environment. He introduced his team members who hold varied roles - from product designer to head of R&D. His office includes his own furnished cabin, a studio room for podcast recordings, a secret door leading to makeup room, and a training area for fresh hires.

Recognition and YouTube Success

Sharan attributes his success to consistent hard work. After countless early mornings and late nights dedicated to researching and shooting videos, he saw a significant change in his life, reflected by the YouTube silver and golden play buttons he received signifying his subscriber milestone achievements.

Constant Expansion and Future Goals

Sharan's focus is always on expansion. His journey demonstrates that with the right mindset and consistent hard work, anything is possible. The dynamic environment at his workspace and his growing team are a testament to this fact. This is just the starting point for him, and he is anticipating where this journey will take him next.

Key Takeaways:

  • Never let failures deter you. Persevere and keep trying until you achieve your goals.
  • Consistency is key. Dedicate time every day towards your passion to see significant changes.
  • Expansion and growth should always be on the horizon. Always aim for more.

A Framework for Success:

  1. Step 1: Recognize your passion and channel it towards a goal.
  2. Step 2: Work consistently towards the goal, regardless of initial hurdles.
  3. Step 3: Always keep an eye on expansion and be open to new opportunities.
  4. Step 4: Celebrate your successes, but do not rest on them. Use them as motivation for future endeavours.