Unlocking the Success Mysteries of the Second Largest Travel Platform in India: A Discussion with Prashant Pitti, Co-founder of EaseMyTrip

Key Takeaways:

  • Patience, perseverance, and a unique approach can help entrepreneurs outperform competitors, even in a fiercely competitive market.
  • Innovations often emerge from situations of constraint where individuals are forced to think out of the box.
  • Ensuring customer satisfaction through efficient service and beneficial pricing is paramount for business success and customer retention.


Entrepreneurship is painted as a path of endless challenges and the constant pursuit of disruptive, out-of-the-box ideas. But what if the recipe for unparalleled success is buried within the simplest notions of customer satisfaction, value offering, and ceaseless hustle? To offer an insider’s perspective on this, we take a glance into a fascinating conversation with Prashant Pitti, co-founder of EaseMyTrip, the second largest travel platform in India.

Ensuring Customer Satisfaction and Delivering Value

EaseMyTrip has made a name for itself in the Indian travel industry by championing two primary aspects – stellar customer service and a constant emphasis on value to customers. Pitti shares how the company's unique business practice of not charging their customers convenience fees has become its primary Unique Selling Point (USP).

Some key insights shared by Pitti include:

  • A company’s biggest USP need not always be the most advertised aspect. EaseMyTrip steers clear from repeatedly advertising the fact that they do not charge convenience fees and prefers to let the customers know organically.
  • He points out that customers are more likely to trust a brand if they learn about it from their peers rather than through the company’s own promotions.
  • High level efficiency and cost control on business operations can offset the 'loss' of not charging additional fees on customer transactions.

Entrepreneurs might often get overwhelmed by the cut-throat competition in their industry. Pitti emphasizes how focusing inward and staying guarded against external vagaries helped to position EaseMyTrip as one of the leaders in their industry.

Here are a few significant points made on this topic:

  • Ignorance is bliss, and it can work wonders for a budding business. Pitti suggests that being oblivious to their competitors’ funding and spending patterns worked in their favor.
  • Pivoting for profitability over rapid growth played a significant role in their success trajectory. He advises startups to view VC funding as an aid to solve teething problems, but not as a pillar for continuous survival.
  • Being a bootstrapped startup meant they had to operate efficiently. They channeled their focus on maintaining profitability, even when it came at the cost of rapid growth. Over time, this approach helped them register consistent, organic growth.

Handling Challenges and Flip sides

Talking about challenges, Pitti narrates how the company faced a significant blow in its early days when fake credit transactions pushed the organization to the brink of shutdown. However, instead of retreating, they chose to forge ahead with strengthened resolution and cautious vigilance.

Touching upon a range of interesting topics, he also dismisses the idea of customer loyalty. He reasons out that no customer is entirely loyal and what businesses should aim for is to make their service a habit for the consumer.


The story of EaseMyTrip, as shared by Prashant Pitti, reveals why it's crucial to acquaint oneself with the nitty-gritty of the business environment before laying the blocks of a startup. Sound business principles of valuing your customer and rendering qualitative service can seldom go wrong.

This discourse brings forth invaluable lessons for budding entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals alike, helping them gaze beyond the glamour of disruptive ideas and recognize the strength of basics.

Treading the path of entrepreneurship might indeed be challenging, but here’s a reminder that sometimes, monumental success stories can be scripted with the simplest ideas and an undying zeal to serve customers better.