Unveiling the Finances: A YouTuber's Journey in the Stock Market


Welcome, folks! Today, we'll take a deep dive into the intriguing world of stock markets from the perspective of a successful influencer. More specifically, we’ll focus on the influencer's personal financial journey: how he fared in his one, two, and three-year profit and loss journey from the stock markets. We'll also touch upon the critiques received by finance educators and the role of mainstream media vis-à-vis new SEBI regulations.

Key Takeaways

  1. A successful journey through the stock market can amass substantial profits.
  2. Verification mechanisms contribute to transparency, significantly reducing the potential for manipulations.
  3. SEBI regulations aim to enforce more transparency and equality in the finance sphere.

A Glimpse into a YouTuber's Financial Journey

Our influencer shared his three-year profit-loss journey in the stock market, displaying transparently the profits:

  • In the first year, from 2022 to 2023, he recorded an impressive realized profit of 57 lakhs and an unrealized profit of roughly 40 lakhs, bringing the total to around 1 crore.
  • Combine this with the profit of roughly 88-89 lakhs from his mutual fund portfolio, and the total profit for the year comes to approximately 1.9 crore.

While he exclusively shares trades within equity segments and mutual fund portfolios, he refrains from options or futures, ensuring a more straightforward and manageable trading experience.

Verification As a Weapon Against Doubt

A common critique that finance influencers bear is accusations of manipulation or forgery in their financial records. In response, our influencer not only showcased every trade taken in the past year but also promoted a reliable verification feature introduced by Zerodha, known as 'verified P&L'. This feature allows viewers to independently verify his profit and loss, enhancing credibility and squashing potential doubts.

The Quest for Transparency

While every player in the finance sphere, from YouTubers to mutual fund managers to finance journalists, aims to guide their audience towards financial success, the credibility and transparency of these guides often come into question. The key to overcoming these doubts, as viewed by our influencer, is not only to disclose their own profit and loss but also to encourage other digital finance advisors to do the same. Real-time information adds a layer of transparency, thereby enhancing authenticity and credibility.

One of the other benefits of making this information available to the public would be a fair comparison between different financial advisors or channels, empowering the audience to make informed choices based on past performances.

Wrestling With Rules and Regulations

Another essential aspect discussed in this blog is the new SEBI regulations that aim to standardize the financial advice sphere. However, such actions may bring potential limitations. In their current form, the rules lack clarity on whether all sorts of financial influencers require licenses. For those already abiding by the regulations, the compliances may prove to be tedious and time-consuming, diverting their resources and focus away from their core activities.

Additionally, not everyone may be keen to be regulated, especially those who engage in multiple businesses or career paths. Lastly, while being regulated, a couple of critical areas such as the registering and licensing processes may prove to be quite complex, potentially causing more confusion than they clear up.


Fighting their way through doubts and criticisms, finance influencers today are striving to instill a sense of transparency, authenticity, and credibility in their audience through their personal finance results. With authorities like SEBI looking to bring regulations to streamline transparency in the finance sector, the stage is set for enormous changes. Let the journey unfold, tapping into exciting opportunities while rewarding merit.